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发布者:任婧楠    发布时间:2015-05-28

一、 外来人员由门卫开门并严格登记程序(来访人员姓名、事由、工作单位),由门卫通知本室有关人员在大厅专门区域接待。确有工作需要、经接待人员(只能是老师身份)同意后,来访人员登记了姓名、事由、工作单位等信息之后,用本人有效证件换取实验室临时出入牌后方可进入内室或上楼。未经接待人员同意严禁进入楼层。

二、 实验楼内不得大声喧哗,严禁吸烟、乱丢杂物。

三、 门卫工作人员有权阻止下列人员入内:

1. 衣冠不整者;

2. 无正当事由者;

3. 未成年者。

四、 出实验楼携带物品者,门卫工作人员应要求其说明物品名称、数量及去向,予以检查和登记在册后方可放行。

五、 门卫值班时间为7:00-22:00。




Key Laboratory of Environment Correlative Dietology,Ministry of Education entrance rules


1. Outsiders should ask the guard to open the door and register strictly (write down visitor’s name, reason, work unit), then the guard will inform those people to whom visitors want to meet and they can see them in the lobby. After making sure that visitors have work to do in this lab and the reception person (must be teachers) agrees, visitors should write down personal register information such as name, reason, working unit, and then use personal ID in exchange for temporary access card. With this card, visitors can enter the inner chamber and go upstairs. Without the permission of the reception person, no outsiders can go upstairs.

2. Talking loudly, smoking and throwing litter is prohibited in the laboratory building.

3. The guard shall have the right to stop the following persons to enter:
(1). Disheveled
(2). Having no legitimate reasons
(3). Children

4. If someone wants to carry something out of the building, the guard should ask the person to write down the name and the number of the articles and where the things will be taken. After checking all the things, the guard can allow the person to go and carry articles out of the building.

5. Duty time: 7:00-22:00.

Key Laboratory of Environment Correlative Dietology,Ministry of Education

May 2015