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l 室容室貌管理要求
Management requirement of cleaning:
1. 所有仪器设备、物品需放在实验室内;
All the equipment and articles should be located inside.
2. 实验室内任何地方不得堆放纸盒等杂物;
No sundries like cartons piling up inside the laboratory.
3. 学生不得将实验室当学习室,应到指定的地点学习;
Students should study in the designated place not in the lab.
4. 凡不是实验室定制的实验台和家具,都应搬出实验大楼;
Experiment tables and furniture which are not customized by the lab should be move out of the building.
5. 在办公室、学习室可适当放点花钵,但不赞成在实验室放花钵;
Flowerpot can be put in the office and studying room but better not in the laboratory.
6. 楼道内禁止堆放杂物,保持楼道整洁畅通;搬运物品不得在地面上拖行,以免划伤地面;不得污染、弄脏地面、墙面,如不慎污染,应及时清理干净。
No sundries piling up in the hallway. Keep the hallway clean and unblocked. No skidding when move things to protect the floor. Keep the floor and wall clean, if smear the floor or the wall; you should clean it in time.
l 进出大楼要求
Management requirement of going in and out of the building
1. 大楼前按规定停自行车\电动车\机动车;
It is required to park your bicycle, electric motor bike or car in front of the building.
2. 实验室实行门卡制度。工作人员凭门卡出入,每次进出门需刷卡;
All staff should apply the card every time going in and out the building.
3. 着工作服进入实验室;
Change your work uniform before entering .
4. 实验室钥匙不得自行复制,门卡、钥匙的持有者应对实验室的安全负责 ,不借给他人;
The lab key is not allowed to be copied privately. The owner of the card and the lab key is responsible for the security of the lab. Don’t lend the card and the lab key to others.
5. 外来人员来室联系工作,由门卫值班人员通知本室有关人员在一楼大厅接待;特殊情况需上楼者,由接待人员登记并担保方可上楼;接待人员需负责将人员送出大门。
If outsiders need to find someone, the guard shall inform the wanted person to meet in the lobby; visitors can go upstairs after being registered by the reception person and reception person will be responsible of sending the outsiders out of the building.
6. 门卫工作人员有权阻止下列人员入内:
• 衣冠不整者;
• 无证件和无正当事由者;
• 未成年者。
The guard shall have the right to stop the following persons to enter:
(1) Disheveled
(2) Having no legitimate reasons
(3) Children
7. 出实验楼携带物品(仪器、设备及其它实验室所属物品)须向门卫工作人员说明物品名称、数量及去向,自觉接受检查
If you want to carry something (instrument, equipment and other things that belong to the lab) out of the building, you must tell the guard about the name and the number and where the articles will be taken to.
8. 注意资源节约。人走关水、关灯、关空调、关闭未工作仪器电源,锁门。
Save energy. Before leaving, close the tap, the light, the air conditioner and instruments that are not on working. Always remember to lock the door.
l 工作期间行为规范
Behavior during work
1. 不得在实验室内带小孩、养宠物;
Don’t bring children and pets in the laboratory.
2. 爱护公共卫生,不乱丢废弃物、不乱倒废液,严禁卫生间用后不冲洗等。不得随意涂抹、刻画。
Keep public places clean. Don’t throw rubbish and waste liquid. Flush the toilet after use. Don’t smear on the wall or other public places.
3. 严禁在室内吸烟、吃东西以及大声喧哗;
Smoking is not allowed. Don’t eat or speak too loud.
4. 严禁在室内电脑上做与工作和学习无关的事情,如看电影、聊天、玩游戏等;
Don’t use the lab computer to do things like watching movies, chatting and playing games that are not related to study.
5. 除实验、工作需要,严禁在室内过通宵。晚11:00-早6:00期间须离开实验室,如有实验确需在此期间完成,应向办公室申请。
Don’t stay up late at night in the lab unless there are experiments to do. If you need to do experiment after 11:00pm or before 6:00am, you should apply to the management office.
6. 不得穿实验服进自习室;实验服在实验室内不得乱放,必须挂起来;
Don’t wear experimental clothes in studying room. It should be hanged in order in the lab.
7. 实验室内不得使用大功率电器如电水壶,取暖电器等;
Don’t use high-power electric appliance such as electric kettle and warming appliance.
8. 室内的垃圾要扔进垃圾桶,垃圾袋已满或者有异味散出的要及时清理并带到指定地方;不得向下水槽乱扔、乱到废弃物。茶叶严禁倒到茶水池,以免发生堵塞。
The garbage should be thrown into dustbin. Throw the garbage bag to pointed place in time especially when it is full and give unpleasant smell. Don’t throw garbage into the water channel. Don’t drop the tea leaves in the water channel in order to avoid blocking.
9. 不得在室内喷洒各种杀虫药液和其他挥发性有味药物;
Don’t use insecticide or other volatilizable medicine.
10. 用电要求:无人做实验或自然光足够亮时,需关闭房间照明灯。
Electricity use: When no one is doing experiments or there is enough sunlight, please turn off the light.
11. 有毒有害试剂处理要求:二甲苯、氯仿等有毒、易挥发试剂应严格在通风柜中操作;有毒试剂废液或废弃物应集中回收并交国资环保部门统一处理,禁止直接倒入下水道。
Toxic reagents should be treated as required: toxic and volatilizable reagents like xylene and chloroform should be used in fuming cupboard. The waste liquid of toxic reagent should be recycled and then send to National resources environmental protection department to be processed. Don’t pour toxic reagent to the water channel.
l 仪器设备设施使用规范
The instructions of using equipment:
1. 实行实验室、课题组“两级管理、责任到人”的原则,每个房间、每台仪器应有相应的责任人;在实验室各种活动需遵守该房间(区域)的管理办法。
There are two levels of management, the laboratory and the team. The responsibility of each room and equipment must be given to appointed person. All lab activities should follow the management rules of the room.
2. 未经实验室审查批准,任何人不得随意改装电源。
Without permission, no one can change the power supply.
3. 未经正常程序(开放课题、平台对外共享登记),不得用本室平台为室外人员做实验;实验室各课题组间仪器共享需经相关管理者同意。
If it is not for open projects or after platform sharing register, the platform of our lab should not be used by outsiders. The equipment in each lab can be shared only when the lab managers agree.
4. 严格使用预约登记制度;各种仪器设备必须有操作说明,使用者按说明操作;
Make an appointment before use. All the equipments must have a direction and users should follow the direction while using.
5. 严格执行使用登记制度,登记时应记录仪器运行状况、开机时间。凡不登记者,一经发现,停止使用资格。
Register before and after using equipments. You should write down if the equipment work well or not and when you start and finish using it. If you are found to have used without register, you will lose the right of using it.
6. 在开机前,首先检查仪器清洁卫生,是否正常,发现问题及时报告责任人以及相关管理人员;
Check whether the equipment is clean and work well, if find any problems, please inform the person in charge and related manager.
7. 新进室的研究生必须先见习三个月,在掌握仪器设备的使用性能后,方可上机操作。
New students should learn to use those equipments in the first three months. Only when you are familiar of using it, you can use it by yourself.